1.	use strict;
2.	use SAPserver;
3.	use Data::Dumper;
5.	# Example 1: ACH Data for a Protein
6.	#
7.	# This script takes a protein ID on the command line and
8.	# finds all identifiers in the Sapling database that correspond
9.	# to the identified protein (that is, they have the same amino
10.	# acid sequence). For each identifier found, the following six
11.	# columns will be output.
12.	#
13.	#   1. The identifier found.
14.	#   2. The scientific name of the associated genome (if any).
15.	#   3. 1 if we believe the identifier corresponds to the
16.	#      exact gene identified by the input identifier, else
17.	#      0. If the input identifier does not specify a
18.	#      particular gene, this column will always be 0.
19.	#   4. The functional assignment associated with the protein
20.	#      ID.
21.	#   5. The source of the assignment.
22.	#   6. 1 if the assignment is considered expert, else 0.
23.	#
24.	# The data in columns (1), (4), (5), and (6) are provided
25.	# automatically by the Sapling Server method "equiv_sequence".
26.	# The item in column (3) is extracted via a call to the Sapling
27.	# Server method "genome_names". The tricky part is the value in
28.	# column (3). To make this determination, we make an initial call
29.	# to the "equiv_precise" method to get identifiers for precisely-
30.	# equivalent genes and put them into a hash. The value of
31.	# column (3) is then determined by whether or not an
32.	# identifier is in the precise-equivalence hash.
34.	my $sapObject = SAPserver->new();
35.	my $id = $ARGV[0];
36.	if (! $id) {
37.	    die "No protein ID specified.";
38.	} else {
39.	    my %preciseHash;
40.	    my $precise_assertions_list = $sapObject->equiv_precise_assertions(-ids => $id);
41.	    $precise_assertions_list = $precise_assertions_list->{$id};
42.	    if (@$precise_assertions_list > 0) {
43.		my $inputID = $id;
44.	        for my $precise_assertion (@$precise_assertions_list) {
45.	            my ($newID, $function, $source, $expert) = @$precise_assertion;
46.	            $preciseHash{$newID} = 1;
47.	        }
48.	    }
50.	    my $assertions = $sapObject->equiv_sequence_assertions(-ids => $id);
51.	    $assertions = $assertions->{$id};
52.	    if (@$assertions < 1) {
53.	        print STDERR "No results found.\n";
54.	    } else {
55.	        for my $assertion (@$assertions) {
56.	            my ($newID, $function, $source, $expert, $genomeName) = @$assertion;
57.	            $genomeName = '' if ! defined $genomeName;
58.	            my $column3 = ($preciseHash{$newID} ? 1 : 0);
59.	            print join("\t", $newID, $genomeName, $column3, $function, $source,
60.	                             $expert) . "\n";
61.	        }
62.	    }
63.	}